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Mulberry Tea

What is mulberry tea?

Mulberry tea, an aromatic herbal drink, is prepared from the fresh and dried leaves of the white and black mulberry tree, grown in several parts of Asia. As it contains all the essential nutrients, the caffeine-free herbal decoction has several health-promoting benefits.

Mulberry Tea

History and origin

Since 3,000 years, mulberry trees have been cultivated in China for food and medicine. Although mulberry leaves had many medicinal benefits, the Chinese started drinking the tea to treat a number of health conditions. In Japan, previous records have shown that the tea was given to diabetic patients. It was also found to increase metabolism by removing fatigue.

Mulberry Tea

Mulberry Tea

Mulberry leaf tea benefits

Reduces anxiety and stress

The GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in mulberry tea is known to resolve anxiety and mood disorders. According to some studies, it is also an effective remedy for stress.

Controls weight loss

Mulberry tea is often used as a part of a weight loss diet to treat obesity. It is believed that 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) in mulberry leaf prevents the body from absorbing carbohydrates.

Fights cholesterol

The antioxidant properties in the herbal drink are attributed to the presence of flavonoids such as quercetin, rutin, and kaempferol. According to some researchers in Japan, it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, thereby improving blood circulation.

White mulberry tea for diabetes

Drinking this healthy caffeine-free drink daily after meals can lower the blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Some studies have shown that DNJ blocks glucose from entering the bloodstream. However, consulting a physician would be better prior to its use.

Treats cold and fever

The common cold symptoms like sore throat, cough, fever, headache, and red eyes can be treated by consuming mulberry tea.

Mulberry Leaf Tea

Mulberry Leaf Tea

Mulberry Tea Pictures

Mulberry Tea Pictures

Lowers blood pressure

The GABA, calcium, and potassium in mulberry tea play a vital role in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Sipping a cup of this herbal tea on a regular basis decreases the risk of cardiovascular disorders caused by high blood pressure.

Promotes liver and kidney function

As a natural detoxifier, mulberry tea flushes out the toxins from the body for cleansing the liver and kidneys, thereby preventing liver cancer.

Improves digestion

It helps in treating common abdominal conditions like constipation and flatulence by boosting digestion.

Rich in vitamins and proteins

Mulberry tea is a promising cure for eye disorders such as cataract, and retinal degeneration. It is also known to have rejuvenating effects on the skin. As an excellent source of proteins, it promotes the growth of hair.

Mulberry Tea Leaves

Mulberry Tea Leaves

Mulberry Leaf

Mulberry Leaf

How to make mulberry tea?

  • Place few fresh mulberry leaves or a tablespoon of dried leaves in a teapot
  • Add 2 cups of boiling water to the pot
  • Steep the mixture for 3 to 5 minutes
  • Filter out the leaves using a strainer
  • Add sugar or honey for taste

Safety and Precautions

Side effects of mulberry tea

Excessive intake of the tea might lead to abdominal discomfort and vomiting. If you develop any allergy then immediately discontinue its use.

Use during pregnancy

As there is a lack of clinical evidences, the use of mulberry tea must be avoided by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Mulberry Tree

Mulberry Tree

Mulberry Leaves

Mulberry Leaves

Where to buy mulberry tea?

Mulberry tea leaves and tea bags can be purchased either online or from any local grocery store.

Article was last reviewed on 23rd July 2021

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One thought on “Mulberry Tea

  1. nandish says:

    i am interested in this . how to prepare tea from leves pls explain.

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