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Chickweed Tea

Chickweed tea with its sweet and fruity flavor is prepared from the leaves of chickweed, also known as starweed.  Its high content of Vitamin A, B complex and minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, manganese, phosphorous and copper makes it to be used as an effective herbal tea with innumerable health benefits. The plant derived its name from the fact that it is a favorite food of chickens.

Chickweed Tea

History and Origin

Having a Eurasian origin, this herb is widely grown in Europe and the entire continent of North America. In the first century, Greek physician Dioscorides stated that chickweed in combination with cornmeal can treat inflammation of the eye whereas its juice would be useful for relieving earache. During the 16th century, several ailments and conditions were cured with the help of a chickweed infusion.

Chickweed Tea

Chickweed Tea

Chickweed tea health benefits

Diuretic properties

Being a strong diuretic, it helps the body in flushing out extra water and other waste materials, thus, cleansing the system, ensuring proper functioning of our kidney and urinary tract. Drinking the herbal infusion may assist in easing water retention occurring in bloating and swollen ankles.

Helps in weight loss

Its rich potassium content, diuretic and appetite suppressant properties aid in weight loss without any side effects.

Aids in relieving pain

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, this tea is useful for treating sore muscles, arthritis, rheumatism as well as pain occurring due to menstruation.

Laxative properties

This tea is a good laxative because of the potassium and magnesium present, thus helping in regulating bowel movements as well as treating mild constipation.

Good for our lungs

Saponin present in chickweed tea helps in reducing the thickening of inflamed membranes in your throat and lungs. In this way, it aids in proper functioning of the lungs, treating respiratory concerns as well as providing relief from bronchitis and common cold. The saponin content in this tea also assists in lessening smoker’s cough.

Chickweed Tea Pictures

Chickweed Tea Pictures

Useful for lipoma

It may help in reducing the size of lipoma, a type of skin tumor. Chinese people used this remedy in the ancient times to treat this condition.

Maintains a good heart health

It helps in purifying the blood by eliminating excess plaque, also preventing its build-up in the blood vessels. In this way, it facilitates an increase in blood flow, lessening possibilities of heart attack and stroke.

Can treat fibroids

Its ability to remove fatty substance along with plaque (of which most fibroids are made up of) from the body helps it to break down the tumors. Its anti-inflammatory properties are even beneficial in relieving fibroid symptoms such as cramps and the gnawing pain. Drinking about three cups of this herbal tea on a regular basis may lead to a reduction of these non-cancerous tumors.

Chickweed Flower

Chickweed Flower

Chickweed Plant

Chickweed Plant

Other benefits of chickweed tea

Used to treat skin problems

Because of its detoxifying and astringent properties, it can be applied externally as a poultice to treat several skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Mixing the tea to your bath water helps in lessening inflammation caused by a bug bite, rash, allergies, cuts, burns, chicken pox rashes and itchy skin.

Useful for hair

The tincture or tea, when mixed with a hair conditioner, yields excellent results for treating dandruff or itching of the scalp.

A good eyewash

Tea prepared from the fresh leaves can be used as an eyewash for relieving any inflammation or eye infection like soreness, swelling or pink eye.

Chickweed Tea Images

Chickweed Tea Images

How to make chickweed tea

  • Pick fresh leaves, wash and dry them well.
  • Chop them finely.
  • Take about three tablespoons of the fresh leaves for one cup water and place them in a pan.
  • Pour warm water over the leaves.
  • Allow it to steep for fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • Strain it.
  • You can add sugar or honey to get a sweet flavor.

Though its flowers, as well as stems, are used to make tea, leaves are widely preferred. If you are making tea from dried leaves, then take two tablespoons of the herb and steep it for approximately five minutes.

Safety Information: Are there any side effects

Though this tea has no known side effects, over consumption may result in stomach problems, vomiting, and nausea. Owing to its diuretic properties, drinking it in excess can dehydrate your body. If you are under medication for any chronic ailments, consult your physician before having this tea.

Use during pregnancy

As not much has been proved regarding the consumption of chickweed tea during pregnancy, expecting women should not drink this tea without consulting their doctor. Breastfeeding mothers, as well as children, are to refrain from it.

Where to buy

You can buy it in stores selling herbal teas and even online.

Article was last reviewed on 23rd July 2021

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